The effect of a modified alarm medicine box in HIV patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy
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Submission date: 2017-10-22
Acceptance date: 2017-12-11
Publication date: 2018-02-22
HIV & AIDS Review 2018;17(1):24-29
Increased human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases in Indonesia create a new social problem, which must be followed up immediately. In this study, we created a modified alarm medicine box that can help HIV patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART). We hope this tool will assist HIV patients in remembering to take their antiretroviral drugs. Aim of the study was to know the effect of a modified alarm medicine box, as a tool to assist HIV patients undergoing ART.

Material and methods:
The study employed a quasi-experimental. We used a one-group, pre-test/post-test design to determine the effect of the independent and dependent variables. In this study, we created a tool that can help HIV patients undergoing ART. We distributed the tool to 20 HIV patients at the Yayasan Lentera Pelangi Jakarta foundation. The purpose of this tool is to reduce the risk of delay of ART in HIV patients. We recorded the time difference between before and after the usage of this tool, which was employed for seven days. In addition, we also provided a time report to be completed by the participants as they used the tool.

The delivered range of mean values of the results obtained on the test before using the modified alarm medicine box was 20.76, while after using the tool it was 2.81. From the results of the data analysis obtained by calculating the difference in means (17.94 MD), and a standard deviation of difference (16.06 SDD), the standard error average difference was 3.68 (SEMD). In the next calculation, the t-count value was 4.875, and the t-table value (with degrees of freedom (n – 1) and the error rate was α = 0.05) was 2.09. The means t-count = 4.875 was larger than the t-table 2.09. This shows that the null hypothesis (H0) could be rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) could be accepted. Therefore, the calculation results showed that the use of a modified alarm medicine box helped the patients undergoing ARV therapy to take their medicine on time.

The modified alarm medicine box helped the HIV patients in ART. Moreover, it was found that there was a decrease in the amount of delays in taking the drugs after using this tool.

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