HIV and prevention of mother-to-child
transmission awareness, perceptions,
and attitudes of pregnant women in Malang:
qualitative research
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Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Submission date: 2022-03-05
Acceptance date: 2022-03-09
Publication date: 2023-11-15
HIV & AIDS Review 2023;22(4):343-348
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) continues to be the cause of mother and child deaths and morbidity. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) therapies have been demonstrated to be useful in lowering the number of children infected throughout pregnancy, intra-partum, and during nursing period. This qualitative study investigates the knowledge and perspectives of pregnant women regarding HIV, experience of health workers in national PMTCT program, and barriers to PMTCT in Malang district.
Material and methods:
18 women and 10 key informants were interviewed in-depth at the local antenatal clinic and community health center in Malang district.
There is still a lack of knowledge about HIV and PMTCT among women who are infected with the virus. When a test is conducted close to the moment of birth, there were several reports of non-consensual testing. Inadequate counseling can be caused by a lack of confidentiality, insufficient training of health workers, a lack of time, and perceptions of occupational dangers. Inadequate counseling can be caused by any of these factors. HIV stigma, discrimination, and worries of partnership breakup are some of the demand-side hurdles to PMTCT, which include a lack of HIV and PMTCT awareness.
Socio-cultural and practical issues, such as HIV testing without permission, are the major barriers to strengthening PMTCT services. Prenatal testing and counseling must be provided in a manner that is appropriate for local population. Additional research is needed to investigate people's traditional beliefs regarding HIV.
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